What Do Your Dreams really Mean??? Find Out Using the Dreamtime Method of Dream Interpretation Now


Hi Dreamers,

From my last post to you, let’s add one more sentence to our dream paragraph we are interpreting to make sure you are getting the gist of how to interpret each of your dream symbols using the Dreamtime Method including the instruction of how to add them together.

The next sentence/sequence of our dream is:

I saw a female friend.

We just previously interpreted the dream symbol words, “I saw” in a prior dream sentence. You have probably already written these two dream symbol interpretations down in your “Dreamtime Dream Dictionary,” so let’s reference back and recall what they mean:

I = within me, saw = am seeing or seeing within.

I saw (I am seeing) a female friend.

The next dream symbol/words in our sentence are: a “female friend,” which we previously interpreted in Chapter Three. To refresh your memory, using the Dreamtime Method, the dream symbol of a “female” is a communication from my (your) DreamSelf giving information about your own “female energy” within or your own inner talents, abilities, and creativity whether you are a male or female dreaming of it.

Keep in mind here that whenever you are dreaming of someone that you “know” in waking, everyday reality, whatever you think and feel about him or her is really what you are looking at within yourself. The dream is giving you information about you, not the person(s) you are dreaming about.

You should view the person you are dreaming about as though they are now a “created” aspect and ability of your own Self. They are mirroring or representing to you whatever you think and feel about them that is exactly how you should be looking at yourself.

I will use the understanding/association of my “female friend” from the above dream sentence to mean that I think of my “female friend” as someone who has done well with her creativity and in doing so is highly successful in her everyday career and life.

As I use the Dreamtime Method to interpret the dream symbol of my “female friend,” I think of this meaning as my DreamSelf Within thinks of it, where the symbol of my “female friend” is a “physical aspect, power, and ability” that I now possess within myself.

As I think of myself as being my “female friend” or that inreality I am now highly successful when using my talents and abilities, the interpretation that I get from “thinking” as my DreamSelf does is that my DreamSelf is communicating information to me about my own inner creativity which I should value just as I value my friend’s.
                                                                                                                                                     female friend = my own inner creativity which is very valued

Putting the above dream interpretations together, I now come up with this “complete thought” from my DreamSelf:

I saw (I am seeing) a female friend (the use of my inner creativity as though it is of much value).

Without the dream symbols, this dream sentence interprets to mean: I am seeing my inner creativity as though it is of great value.

I will now add this interpreted dream sentence to the rest of my dream.

My written Dream =

Dear Terri,                                                                                                                                        I dreamed I saw a man. The man swept the floor. I was looking around a store. In the store was a beautiful crystal. I then saw a female friend.

The Dreamtime interpretation is saying:                                                                       

My DreamSelf says that within my thinking and thoughts creating my now . . . I dreamed I saw a man. (Within myself and my life right now, I am seeing the need to act and take action.) The man swept the floor. (I need to put some action into cleaning up the foundation of myself and my life within.) I was looking around a store. (In doing this, I am seeing my inner resources.) In the store was a beautiful crystal. (Within my inner resources is my valuable ability to focus and magnify energy for making things happen within myself and my everyday life.) I then saw a female friend. (I am now seeing my own creativity, my keen ability to focus energy for my life as though it is of great value.)

Without the dream symbols, here is the meaning/interpretation of my dream using the Dreamtime Method.

Within myself and my life right now, I am seeing the need to act and take action. I need to clean up the foundation (of how I think) of myself and my life within. (In doing this) I am seeing my inner resources. Within my inner resources is my valuable ability to focus and magnify energy for making things happen (manifest) within myself and my life. I am now seeing this extraordinary talent as though it is of great value for me and my everyday life.                                                                                                                                            

From interpreting the above dream sentences of our dream paragraph using the Dreamtime Method, we have learned much regarding an important communication of information from my (your) DreamSelf! If this dream had been about your life, you would have been informed that right now there is action you need to take within yourself and your life. The action involves cleaning up the basic foundation of how you think and perceive yourself. As you do this, you will see your valuable inner resources as they really exist. One of those resources is your innate ability to focus and magnify your creative energy so that you can manifest (make happen) a successful and prosperous three-dimensionl Self and life!

Copyright: Dreamtime Dream Interpretation – Opening to Your Spiritual Sight Within

Author: Terri Ullstrup      www.dreaminterpretation.com

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